Student or Senior ticket $5.
BIBLICALLY Inspired Classical Art & Architecture Featuring a collection of art from
Masterpiece Christian Fine Arts Foundation. And Artist Kevin Christman, Bronze Sculptures & Stained Glass windows at the “Jewel Box” - Saint Mary’s Chapel, 816 Black Oak Dr., Medford, Or. (Library and Chapel). ART TALKS. At 6:15 Masterpiece founder Jeanne Randall, will highlight the dramatic impact art can have on culture as it portrays Beauty, Truth, and Grace. At 7pm, artist Kevin Christman, will share about his magnum opus, St. Mary’s School Chapel. This gifted artist spent five years creating 30 stained glass windows and 16 exquisite bronze relief panels. All proceeds benefit Masterpiece Christian Fine Arts and its Magna Deo project. Questions: text Tiffany. 541.941.0070
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